Friday, October 26, 2007

Thanks for your valuable comments

I appreciate Jeniffer, Maggie, Esther and Billo comments on my website project. Your comments are valuable for me, I will re-read them , reflect on them in a critical way and then will write a summary in a form of a reflection commentary. Thanks all , wish you all the best , wish you a wonderful and a successful TEOSL career.



I would also like to thank Karen for her valuable comments on my website. However these comments were sent to me via e-mail as Karen due that to a problem on the blackboard. Hence , I decided to post these valuable comments here in order to reflect on them and incorporate her ideas to reflect on my website. Thanks Karen. Just on comment about navigation and accessibility, I think my activities have a two buttons one for next activity and another for home, therefore I do not think that index will cause trouble for them because it is there and I will explain that for my students. Thus, this aroused my interest to read about THE MASHER and to see what can it add to my website and might use it to build another unit or activities for my student.

Hi Zahran

I hope you haven’t finished your reflections yet. Here is my feedback on your project.

Firstly, I like the colour scheme and the design of the home page much better than the webquest. It is more enjoyable and simpler to read. Clean and clear. In terms of equitable access for all students, ie. Ones who have visual impairment or learning difficulties, research has found that like backgrounds with black print is best. I like the way you have graded the colour from light to dark, top to bottom. Mind you, I am not expert in web design. I just know what I like. I think it is great.

My eye can scan quickly for what is on the page. I also like that you have only a couple of animations, just enough. Well done.

However, I would use a sans-serif font. This looks like Times Roman, the print is too small and it is not a clear font to read.

I like the way, all the activities are simple and not cluttered up with pictures and animations. It is obvious that you like colour and children do too. However, I feel that the green is a bit strong in the background when you are trying to read the activity.

A comment about the other websites you have linked. My only concern is that, depending on the level and age of the readers, that the language and the density of the text on some of the pages might make if too challenging (soft g!) to read and therefore demotivating. You could try rewriting the main information necessary for the activities, just the bits you need. Then in Hot Potatoes, you go into File, Insert text and cut and paste your text in the window that appears. That way, your text will be the appropriate level with all the words you want as part of the quiz. See Doris’ project, only she didn’t rewrite anything, she just took direct from a website without any modifications.

I really like the way you have a clock ticking. How did you do that, please? I would like to use it next time.

I was also thinking what if students can’t get the answers at all, how will they find out what the correct ones. I am thinking about putting these into my own project. Do you have thoughts about that?

If you look at the bottom of the page, “Index”, you will see that the button doesn’t work. That is because you did not build the unit in Masher as I explained to you.

The Masher links all the units to an index page in Hot Potatoes, which is different to your index.html

The problem with setting up the page like a WQ rather than the HP unit, is that it is more difficult to navigate. Eg. When you go to the word document for the self-assessment, you have to work out how to get home. What about some instructions for students to know what to do if they find themselves lost outside the HP unit. I have the same issue but I think I put in an instruction on how to get back.

Well done. I look forward to hearing your feedback about my project but I won’t be writing that till Wed or Thurs night so no rush.

What mark did you get for WebQuest? I only got a 5.



1 comment:

Jennifer in Australia said...

Hi Zahran,

Thank you for your comments. I have used them to finish my reflection.

Luckily, we all finished our Master degree. When you go back to your country, don't forget to tell me your life there!

All the best
